How We Help FAQs

We have answered the questions our team are often asked on this page. If you can’t see the answer to your question here, send us a message using our confidential online form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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I don't want to take medication; do you provide treatment without medication?

As with all aspects of our treatment, we pay great attention to our client’s wishes. If medically justifiable, we will not use medication but work with you using other treatment methods. As a general principle, we try to use as little medication as possible and focus on supporting the self-healing mechanisms in your body. However, there are a number of natural/herbal supplement alternatives we can offer. If you have any concerns regarding medication, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are happy to discuss your concerns.

Do you offer online treatment?

While the central and initial part of our treatment happens in-person at our facility by Lake Lucerne, we offer our Continuing Care in various formats, including online treatment.

Should you have to wait due to a waiting list at NEOVIVA, we may be able to provide online support until a space becomes free for you.

Do you have medical staff on-site?

We are a licensed medical facility and have psychiatrists and psychotherapists on our team. Our round-the-clock care assures that we always have access to qualified medical professionals.

Can I choose my therapist at NEOVIVA?

At NEOVIVA, clients are treated by the entire team rather than just a single therapist. During the initial admission assessments, we will determine which key therapist is most suitable to work with you in your one-to-one sessions. As our programme also includes group therapy sessions, you will also be treated by other therapists.

I have been to several rehabs; why should I think NEOVIVA is any different?

Our setting is unique because you receive a high-intensive treatment in a 24h setting, but you are not in a closed-off rehab bubble. Our setting is closer to real-life, just like when you go on vacation in a beautiful hotel.

What if I am not doing well after some time after treatment at NEOVIVA?

Our commitment to our clients is always long-term. Should you feel that you need more treatment, we can arrange an additional stay that suits your schedule. Some people may want a refresher or booster stay a few months after the initial treatment. This additional treatment stay has proven invaluable for some people to maintain their recovery and renew their resolve. Others choose a refresher programme just as a time-out from their busy lives.
